The holistic education I received at Gatoto Primary School (1992 – 2000), paved the way for my secondary and university education, career path and numerous extra-mural activities – presentation of academic papers, leadership roles, talent shows, sport participation and philanthropic activities.
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Ibrahim Meso
Gatoto and their valued sponsors rescued my siblings and myself from a life of crime, drug addiction and sexual immorality by providing the moral support, education and financial assistance to fulfill my dreams and goals. I hope to return to hold another “Child’s Hand” and offer them the same invaluable guidance I have received.
Diana Musenya
Gatoto friends, financial support and programmes have paved the way for my progress and passion for education, community work, upliftment and support.
Daniel Barasa
The Gatoto family has made a positive impact on my life, and provided me with inspiration and motivation in the pursuit of my goals.
John Mugoma
“The holistic approach of the school to the students – physical, emotional and social – is impressive, and the positive expansion of the school and their invaluable programmes is due to the hard work, dedication and commitment of the staff, who have the support and appreciation of the surrounding Mukuru community.”
Baraza K. Benson
“ My passion for music and singing would not have been achieved without the support of the Gatoto Integrated Development Programme and their sponsors. ”
Sylvester Oloo
“ The education I have received and the influence of Gatoto, has encouraged me to fully exploit my potential, talents and abilities in my future career for the benefit of the whole community”
Julius Kiboen
“I am reminded of the words of Robert Frost: “Two roads diverged in the woods, and I – I took the one less travelled by – and that – that has made all the difference.”Thank you to the Gatoto leadership and community, for encouraging my inspiring thinking and to adopt a “less travelled” road! ”