The Science Department

Science is a subject that arouses learner’s interest when handling practical lessons. It starts from the collection of materials needed, teacher prior preparation, and the time needed for the practical. To the effect and being the head of the department, I lead a dedicated team of science panel members. The panel has eight members who are passionate about science. I carefully guided the panel members in coming up with science activities that hopefully will improve performance in science. The activities include science talks, science nature walks, science practicals, science contests, science exhibitions, and science tests. The activities are assigned to a specific panel member either to coordinate or facilitate. The activities are covering the 8-4-4 system and the new Competency-Based Curriculum.
The activities are conducted and learners are happy and they love it. For instance, a science club is formed. The club has over thirty members with leadership in place. Democratically, students chose their own leaders starting from the chairperson, secretary, treasurer, and class representatives. I took the role of the club’s patron. For the short period of time we had in school, grade 3 did a project of making the water sources and class 7 did a science practical finding out things that dissolve in water and those that do not.
I am certain that with the plans set, learners are going to post better results in the coming end of term 3 exams.