Gideon Ndambuki
Gideon is an alumnus of Gatoto Primary School. A teacher by profession and a leader of social change. He teaches Kiswahili & Social Studies. He graduated from Amani Institute with a post-graduate certificate in Social Innovation & Management. Besides that, he authors poems and trains the school’s elocution team which has won multiple county and national awards in poems and public speaking in Kenya.
Currently, Gideon is the General Manager of Gatoto Integrated Development Programme. He sees teaching as a profession that is significant, especially when it bridges gaps with the long-term goal of making the planet a better place to live. It’s in view of this that he finds it enjoyable and a tool to impact knowledge to children who are underprivileged in the community. As a leader of social change and in his current role, he trusts that through collaboration and commitment, we will make this dream come true!